MEET Sindhu Varagani | Fashion Designer
Local Clothing and Fashion Designer who recently just showcased her talents on the NWA Fashion Week runway this Spring 2019 season.
Tell us a little about yourself and what you do?
Sindhu | Hi. I'm Sindhu Varagani from India and moved to the US in 2013. I have a bachelors degree in Computer Science but also hold a diploma in fashion designing. I am a fashion designer and my designs can be found at Ethwes.com
What did you want to be when you were a child?
Sindhu | I was initially interested both in singing and fashion designing. I have been over the years attracted more to the latter.

" I have met so many wonderful people who have had tremendous influence on various aspects in me life.
It's my constant desire to create unique designs which are rare to find that inspires me! " - Sindhu

Talk about your designs? What influences it? What do you think makes your clothing so unique?
Sindhu | The main idea behind Ethwes is to create designs which are a fusion between ethnic and western styles. Reversible (clothes can be flipped inside out and be worne in either ways) and multi look clothing (layers of clothing are worne in different combinations creating different looks) are very unique in their own nature and which are also hard to find styles in the market. I hope more people like and adopt these designs!

Name some Nationwide + Local creatives that you really admire?
Sindhu | I really liked working with the designer Anya Ponorovskaya in NY where I got my first exposure to fashion industry in the US. Another person is "Mrs Nancy" here in the NWA whose passion is so contagious! I am glad they are a part in my life!
(You know who you are , Mrs. Nancy!)

Update 3.3.2022 | Since 2019, Sindhu has introduced size inclusive pieces with deigns that can adjust up to three times the original size and dresses adjustable up to five times the original size. She has a focus on zero fabric waste during production. Sindhu has also participated in several pop-up experiences and the Market at Bentonville.
For more information on Sindhu and her collection, you can visit her site https://www.ethwes.com/ .
Or visit her on Instagram Here : @ethwesbysindhuvaragani
Photography & Q+A by Rachel Fox @0utsidetheboxfox