FORGE, INC | Community Loan Funding in Arkansas since 1988.
The mission of FORGE is to promote community development and economic sustainability by linking investors with borrowers, urban and rural communities, consumers with producers, and low income groups with basic affordable credit.
As a nonprofit, mission-driven organization, FORGE provides access to affordable capital and business development services to small businesses and nonprofit organizations that are financially viable but otherwise have difficulty obtaining loan capital from banks and other conventional lenders. Since its founding in 1988, FORGE has served entrepreneurs throughout the Ozarks and the state of Arkansas with technical assistance, business development training, and microlending, working primarily with low-income individuals and services tailored to those communities.
For 30 years, FORGE has fulfilled its mission of helping to build sustainable communities and we will not let our neighbors down in their time of need. We are expanding our lending and our assets are growing. "The bottom line is that FORGE has maintained its strength because we make good loans to good people who do good work in their communities." - @forgefund
Forge, INC's WEBSITE Here.